Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 MONTHS. holy wow. i feel like i blinked and you double in size. you want to crawl ALL the time but don't quite know how. this doesn't stop you from exploring and becoming curious about the world around you more each minute your awake. you aren't big on sleep, your a busy girl. daddy and i were talking today about how big your getting. such a big girl... slow down on the growing business ok?

you were on cute overload for our monthly photo shoot (which were taken on your actual 5 month birthday, im a tad behind) this explains all the pictures.
{forgot to mention you've found your tongue, and are loving it}

{being this photogenic can be exhausting and i get that, your such a trooper}

{you love playing with your footies, you even put them in your mouth}

melts my heart every time.

{so prim and proper these days...}


each day you become more of the beautiful, fantastic, hilarious little you. i love you more than i did yesterday and less than i will tomorrow.
xoxo to the moon and back

1 comment:

  1. hahaha i love that one with her foot up! She is just keeps getting cuter and cuter :)
